A recent survey was taken about the upcoming movie “Gamer” which is to be released in September. People were asked to pick a celebrity that they would like to be in control of within the game. The ranking placed Big Bang’s G Dragon as first (47%).
2nd place was 2PM’s Nichkhun (36%) as Shinee’s Minho placed 3rd (10%). At last was Super Junior’s leader Lee Teuk (7%) placing 4th.
*The movie “Gamer” features Gerard Butler (from 300 & The Ugly Truth) as he plays the character of a virtual reality game. The movie is about a newly invented virtual reality game where the player has full control over their characters and the characters speak to them. The truth behind the game is that the characters are in fact real life people put into those dangerous situations and die if the player loses.
credits : jione@2oneday (trans) + sitakey@sfi